Past Board Members

We will never forget your contributions and will always be grateful. Thank you for all of your efforts to support the Berkeley Bicycle Club.


Paul Chuck



Household member of Bike East Bay. Been riding Specialized bikes since 2001 and currently ride a SL4, SL6 and a Valence gravel bike built to Specialized geometry. Raced from 1989 thru 1993 and again from 2001 to 2014. Transitioned to Brevets, Doubles, gravel, bike tours and tandem riding. Have ridden most of the roads in the greater Bay Area and with the opening of the Richmond San Rafael Bridge now have a way to circumvent the entire Bay. I consider myself an all around rider who is adequate at most but the master of none. I see cycling, flexibility and weight training as a way to ensure that I live my remaining days in good health and sound mind. I retired from a 33 year career with Snap on Tools, am married and living in Berkeley for the past 30 years and have two sons who are recent college grads who live at home and work at UCSF Mission Bay. During COVID there are a few club members I ride with regularly and am glad that we have a network of fellow club members who help keep me safe and sane.


Nate English

Board Member

Member Since 2017

I first got into cycling to cross train for running in high school, and have been riding ever since. For the first 10 years, I still focused on running. Through my mid to late 20s, I focused on cycling and did a lot of racing. I was happy to find that I was much better at cycling than running, and even raced professionally for a few years. I love road riding and spend most of my miles on my Tarmac. I also mountain bike, and really just enjoy generally being healthy and fit while getting outside as much as I can. After moving on from racing, I've focused more and more on my work as a cycling coach as well as putting time and attention into trying to give back to the cycling community, working with some of the high-school teams, doing some fundraising, some race mentorship, and other little things that come my way. I still try to stay fit, cycling most days and mixing in a little running and strength training.


Todd Brydon

Board Member

Member Since 2009

I have been riding bikes since I can remember. A yellow Schwinn Stingray was my first cool one. On a preteen birthday, my parents transformed that Stingray into a trail-bike. Before doing so was illegal, the neighborhood kids and I would race homemade trail-bikes all in and around Tilden Park. Vying to be number one started with my brothers (first to sit on the couch, first up the stairs, first to the ice cream :-), and was encouraged by my parents who put me on local swim-teams. This craziness led to running, competing in triathlons, and eventually led to bike racing. Via cycling I’ve developed lifelong friendships, deeply learned you are what you do, and have rekindled the excitement felt when heading out on that yellow, homemade dirt-bike! Every ride for me is an adventure. It’s a chance to hangout with pals and scream woo-hoo!

I was gifted grassroots support, provided with sponsorship from companies, organizations and even people I never met while racing the bike. I got to travel, duke-it-out from town to town, and had a blast doing so. After racing, I quit the bike for a while but got back on it in 2008; shortly thereafter I joined the BBC. Here again, via cycling I have been gifted friendship, had tons of woo-hoo fun, and been welcomed-in by a sturdy grassroots group who are paying it forward supporting something they love. Helping others do this cycling thing, is part of who I have become.

Additionally, I am dad, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, son, friend, worker, proud Berkeley resident, cyclist… and also a BBC/KaiVelo board-member.


Eric Weiner

Board Member - Sponsorship and Club Buy Coordinator

Member since 2014

I got into cycling mainly for exercise and fun, completed a couple centuries and then an AIDS Lifecycle. But it wasn't until joining The Berkeley Bike Club did I realize the competitive side of the sport. And how fun and rewarding suffering can be. Most of the time I'm riding roads around the Walnut Creek CoCoCounty area on my Blue Canyon Ultimate early on weekday mornings before my little ones (5 & 7) wake up. But lately you might see my Strava feed showing some mixed terrain dirt rides in Briones and hills around Diablo on my Cannondale Topstone. A few dawn patrol rides during the week and a longer ride on the weekend rounds out my cycling. Constantly pushing myself by riding with people who push me, but also taking time to just enjoy the ride, the company and the coffee.


Caedmon Bear



Cycling has been in my life since I started touring with the Grizzly Peak Cyclists as a teenager. Over the last 4 decades I've toured Hawaii, New Zealand, and Utah by bike, as well as raced mountain, cyclocross, track, and road. I use my single-speed for local trips whenever possible and support the ongoing improvements in bike lanes, bike paths, and access. In my active BBC racing years in the early-mid 90s, I was also a board member and race promoter and, most significantly, met my wife (of 25 years) who was a fellow BBC racer. We have two kids and live in Walnut Creek along with 3 cats, 7 hens, a dog, and a hive of bees.

I own On the Trail Financial Planning providing financial planning and socially responsible investing for people who care about living their best lives, making a difference in our community, and taking care of our planet.

As much as I enjoyed racing, being on the road or trails with friends is why I really love to ride.


Julie Bottrell



Hi, I’m Julie! Like most people, I learned to ride a bike as a small child. As I got older, biking took on a functional role for me as a commuting tool to get from Point A to Point B. Biking turned from commute to community when I decided to sign up for AIDS Life Cycle, a 550-mile fundraising ride from SF to LA. The people and the challenge of that ride got me hooked, and cycling has been a passion for me ever since. As the Vice President of BBC, it’s very important to me that we provide opportunities for those looking to further develop their skills and explore racing. I am also a member of the Eclipse Racing, a Bay Area-based team dedicated to inclusion of all women/trans/femme/nonbinary (WTFN) cyclists. Keep an eye out for me on my purple Cannondale SuperSix Evo Hi Mod and my signature stunner shades, and please say hi!


Richard Wilson



I'm a road rider, and love putting miles on my Tarmac SL6 expert. Born and raised in London and went to college and started my biotech/pharmaceutical career in the UK. I rode for fun as a teenager and somehow fell off the wagon from my late teens until my mid 30's, when I decided I really need to get back into the sport with all these wonderful roads on our doorstep. I joined BBC as I was getting into racing for a few years, I really appreciated the combination of finding like-minded riders who'd push me to ride harder than I might choose, with a really fascinating group of people that I've come to call close friends. I care deeply about what this club represents and it’s been an honor to help serve on the board and alongside Phil Tucher as co-president this year.

I live in Orinda, am married and have two daughters - a senior here at Miramonte High and a senior at Boston University. I currently head the program management function for a local gene therapy company, and also volunteer my time as a board member for UC Berkeley's Exec Ed spinout from the Haas School of Business (Go Bears!), and advise healthcare entrepreneurs through the California Life Science Institute.


Jerreme Suarez


I'm a road rider, and love putting miles on my Tarmac SL6 expert. Born and raised in London and went to college and started my biotech/pharmaceutical career in the UK. I rode for fun as a teenager and somehow fell off the wagon from my late teens until my mid 30's, when I decided I really need to get back into the sport with all these wonderful roads on our doorstep. I joined BBC as I was getting into racing for a few years, I really appreciated the combination of finding like-minded riders who'd push me to ride harder than I might choose, with a really fascinating group of people that I've come to call close friends. I care deeply about what this club represents and it’s been an honor to help serve on the board and alongside Phil Tucher as co-president this year.

I live in Orinda, am married and have two daughters - a senior here at Miramonte High and a senior at Boston University. I currently head the program management function for a local gene therapy company, and also volunteer my time as a board member for UC Berkeley's Exec Ed spinout from the Haas School of Business (Go Bears!), and advise healthcare entrepreneurs through the California Life Science Institute.


Harris Googe


Having found my way to the BBC community this year, I’m excited to share a little about myself and my vision for the club. You may have previously seen me on a Friday WTFN ride, as a regular on the 5:30am Tues/Thurs rides, or at Unfondo, but for those whom I haven’t met yet, let’s change that and get out on some bikes soon so I can hear about what BBC means to you!

To me, BBC has meant a community that has welcomed me in as a budding cyclist, pushing me to be faster than I thought possible. We continue to see club membership grow at a rapid rate, and efforts to recruit a more diverse community are paying off. That said, diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) don’t stop at recruiting. As a BBC board member with a focus on DEI and through partnering with area businesses, I want to work within our existing project teams to create the following initiatives, helping our new and seasoned members gain confidence on and off the bike:

• Education events – basic bike maintenance & cleaning, group riding & racing skills, bikepacking how-to, Microsoft Teams tech office hours, ask-me-anything sessions

• Education resources – a repository of videos covering basic bike maintenance, route library with common routes organized by difficulty, race directory with insider info

BHRR Training Camp for new racers Outside of cycling, I work as a Brand Manager and I lead DEI efforts in the corporate environment. I look forward to combining my professional background with my love of cycling to make this club even better!


Anne Goldberg

Board Member since 2023

I have been a member of BBC since September 2021. I joined the club because it boasted a WTFN-specific group ride. Since then, my life has been deeply enriched by the wonderful community I have found though the club, and the support I’ve received through this community to develop as a cyclist. Already an active member, I’m excited to contribute further as a member of the Board of Directors.

I am one of many who joined BBC after spending months riding solo during the pandemic. The community I found in the club was more than I had hoped for. Rediscovering cycling and discovering myself as an athlete has been a profound experience, one that would not have been the same without BBC. I am a high-performing rider, still growing as an athlete, ambivalent about racing, but I find BBC to be a great fit. I am proud to recommend the club to any rider I meet, as the membership is unilaterally welcoming and enthusiastic. I have been especially grateful for the inspiring women I have met through the club and whose mentorship I have benefitted from. After participating as a mentee in the inaugural WTFN Faster Together program last year, I am now co-coordinating the program with board members Ellie Sterne and Harris Googe.

Professionally, I work as an editor and project manager, with skills in branding and facilitating cross-functional collaboration. I also have deep expertise in food and wine. As a board member, providing resources and fostering community for underrepresented cyclists will continue to be a priority for me. I would like to further the club’s mission by offering clarity to how we define performance with respect to these communities. I intend to support the work of members like Steve Schwartz and Hugh Rodman in expanding our ride calendar to bridge the divide between newer and more experienced riders. Lastly, I hope to support the club in continuing to share our resources in the community at large to develop a new, and more diverse, generation of cyclists.