Livermore Crit Race Report from Carissa Y (2021)

Race Report -Cat4/5 Livermore Crit (7.25.21)
My first crit back since ToAD (and 6th ever). I was feeling a lot stronger than before I left for ToAD so I was eager to see where I stand locally. I got to the race at 9 because a few of my friends were racing the Cat 5 men’s race and it was a first time for some of them. After my second breakfast, I started warming up and getting myself into the race mindset. Boy it was hot like in the mid-90s. I tried to look for panty hose to put ice in it this past week but couldn’t find it - decided to pour water on myself instead. Lost one of my contacts 5 minutes before the race but thankfully had some replacements in the car - lol.The Cat4/5 race (40 minutes) had about 20 racers, and pretty diverse in experience level. The girl in front of me was having some shifting issues so I passed her and went for another wheel. I inserted myself in the front pack and told myself to draft as much as I could. 5 minutes in there was an attack, some girl just took off and I stayed in the pack, caught up with her later. I didn’t want to do anything aggressive to trash my legs in the wind tunnels so coming from the last corner every lap I tried to sprint, which works as I quickly came to the front. I didn’t want to pull but 20 minutes in I ended up pulling, for 4-5 laps. I was really hoping to slow down and let the peloton come through in the windy sections. I was also trying to follow a wheel as soon as I saw one. But alas, I was pulling and the gap was not big enough. I also noticed 2 people planning tactics as the race went on and one of them definitely tried to stall me to let her teammate go.When there was one more lap to go, a girl came in my right literally between me and the curb. I protected my wheel and she ended up getting bumped (hope she’s ok!) I think the physical touch slowed me down a little bit as that’s when the peloton started catching up and passing me. It was right before the windy sections so I had a hard time  inserting myself back in. Sprinted at the end and passed one girl by 1 or 2 seconds. Got 9th place. I’m proud of myself for protecting and stealing wheels multiple times and for trying to pull, I guess.Being my 6th race and 1st California race, I’m definitely still learning from each race. Thank you
@Meredith Nielsen for lending me her jersey so that I had an opportunity to rep BBC. Some awesome friends of mine came all the way from SF and Oakland to support me. It was a great day Where are my BBC crit racers at? We need more women racers in general and also teammates to plan tactics with

Race Report from Carissa Yao

Ka Lun Chan