BBCjr at 2024 Early Bird Training Series

BBCjr Oliver, Zoe, and Elias have finished their first criterium! Well done! Plus, a shout-out to Jen Ryden, who has been away from the peloton for twenty years, but is back and thriving in the women's division!

40 Juniors made it the biggest junior audience we have ever seen. Aiden Zavala and influential NICA members Chantelle Tupaz (who served as a mentor to the girls) were also part of the group. According to their teammates on Team California, Sean Obregon and Ryder Ritchie were sick and couldn't make it. A sneak peek at the NICA varsity is emerging among the early birds. Early bird can give you a huge leg up if you're hoping to compete in XC this year so you don't have to repeat yourself. In comparison to CCCX or TBF, they also offer more time for cycling and are closer. As a result of the Revolution Racing Team's kind donation, BBCjr members can enjoy these things at no cost.

A single session of this excellent training series would have a positive impact. Additionally, the practice crit race is optional, and the training is beneficial for both group rides, road races, pack riding, and other types of riding skills.

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